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Alors, certes, les contrles ne sont pas toujours trs frquents, certes on laisse survivre les faux taxis Casablanca, mais quand on veut on bloque, et on bloque mme violemment. Cest une des sources majeures dchec au Maroc, et cest pour cela, en fait, que jai parl dUber ici, et que jai pris le temps de dtailler. Il ne suffit pas de prendre un directeur local, en particulier au Maroc. Il faut prendre quelquun qui connaisse rellement le pays. Beaucoup dtrangers, en particulier de franais, se cassent les dents en voulant faire comme en France. Sur le papier, Uber Maroc est une ide intressante. Mais quand on rentre dans les dtails, on voit que les aspects ngatifs sont trs nombreux. Le CV LinkedIn de la directrice dUber Maroc est le CV dune personne brillante, qui a fait de trs belles tudes, mais qui :Le rle dun Directeur Gnral dans une start up et Uber EST une start up dans le contexte marocain peut se discuter. Coordinateur cl ou personne ayant la matrise du coeur de business ?Personnellement, jai vu au cours de mes trente ans de vie professionnelle beaucoup de botes coules par des consultants de haut ou moyen niveau et je pense que le patron doit avoir une connaissance profonde de son mtier, en plus dun rle de coordinateur. NB : le paragraphe a t prcdent, plusieurs personnes ont pris la version originale comme une attaque personnelle, ce quelle ntait pas. Jai donc reformul, et focalis sur lessentiel, pour viter les malentendus, et ne pas ouvrir vers des rflexions qui ne sont pas purement business case.

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Khine, M. S. , and Lourdusamy, A. 2003. Blended learning approach in teacher education: Combining face to face instruction, multimedia viewing and online discussion. British Journal of Educational Technology, 345, 671 675. Lin, H. 2008. Blended online components into traditional instruction in pre service teacher education: The good, the bad, and the ugly. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teacher and Learning, 21, 1 14. Lin, Q.

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WHAT I LEFT OUT is a recurring feature in which book authors are invited to share anecdotes and narratives that, for whatever reason, did not make it into their final manuscripts. In this installment, Anne Harrington shares a story that didnt make it into her latest book Mind Fixers: Psychiatrys Troubled Search for the Biology of Mental Illness, W. W. Norton and Company. Racism had led directly to Kings assassination, and not only had white psychiatry consistently failed to take racism seriously; it had, in ways both subtle and overt, enabled it. The decision was thus made to organize black psychiatrists into an independent body that would use tactics of the civil rights movement to force American psychiatry to acknowledge both its own racism and its professional responsibility to address the scourge of racism in the country. On May 8, 1969, representatives from the Black Psychiatrists of America interrupted the trustees of the American Psychiatric Association while they were eating breakfast, and presented them with a list of demands. These included a significant increase in African American representation on APA committees, task forces, and other positions of leadership; a call for the APA to commit itself to desegregating mental health facilities; and a demand that any individual member of the society who was found to be guilty of racial discrimination be barred from practicing psychiatry. The most fundamental demand made that morning, however, was that the profession begin to think about racism differently than it had in the past. Racism did not just happen because some bad people had hateful beliefs. Unlike many of their liberal white colleagues, who were fascinated by the potential mental pathologies of individual racists, the Black Psychiatrists of America drawing on new sociological work insisted that racism was built into the systems and structures of American life, including psychiatry itself.

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